Friday, February 26, 2010

Adios, Cristina

Words will not do her justice. Cristina, our fellow teacher and friend.

After much prayer and consideration, Cristina recently moved to the capital, Santo Domingo, with her husband and family. Gracias a Johan and Kendall who are co-teaching her class like rock stars. It was not easy for her to say goodbye to Makarios or her students or her life here in Puerto Plata, but she knew she was being called elsewhere.

If I was to describe her in three words...passionate, strong and beautiful. Her passion is undeniable in the way she prays, encourages and supports others with the word of God. Her strength is noted by all she has carried and continues to carry on her life's journey. Her beauty exudes inside and out as her kind, soft heart radiates through her smile.

We love you, Cristina. Vaya con Dios.

Monday, February 15, 2010

What Happens When Self-Haircuts and Guardless Razors Meet...

Oops! I know many will be quick to think I am at fault for this one...which is kind of true. I wasn't actually holding the razor when it happened, but I naturally got distracted from my duty so Charlie attempted to finish on his own.

I was so close to convincing him to go bald...but he opted for the classy missing piece instead.